Open Photo Project

 For this weeks assignment, the types photography that I choose do were "Nature, Landscape, and Night Photography" because they are my favorite things to take pictures of. Most of the pictures were taken at the beach because I went there multiple times this week, there are sunset pictures, night sky pictures, and etc.

#1 I took this picture at the Teteto Beach yesterday.

#2 This is also a picture from yesterday, I decided to take this picture of it looked so beautiful.

#3 This is a picture I took today of the sky and I thought it really looked pretty.

#4 This is also a picture from at the beach yesterday.

#5 This is a picture I took of a little bird and a bird nest on Friday at school when we were playing softball for Health class.

#6 I took this picture when I was waiting for the bus in the morning and thought the sky looked very pretty.

#7 This is also picture of yesterday at the beach, I took this after the sunset and It looked very beautiful.

#8 This is a picture I took of a white hibiscus.

#9 This is a picture I took when we went to a field trip to Teteto Beach earlier this week.

#10 This is also a picture from the field trip and the 3 below are too.




#14 This is a picture I took when we were going in the jungle for the field trip.

#15 This is a picture I took at our farm.

#16 This is a picture I tried taking of the moon and clouds because it looked very pretty.

#17 This is a picture of the clouds and sun and I thought it really looked good.

#18 This is also when I was waiting at the bus stop and I saw a rainbow.

#19 Pictures of beautiful clouds

#20 This is a picture I took when I went to the Alaguan Bay with my friends.

#21 This is a picture I took at school when the kids were playing.

#22 A picture I took at the farm.

#23 This is a picture I took of my window with outside of my house.


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